A. Brief Information

Colo Tourism Area is located on Muria Mountains, which is 1.602 m above the sea level, and is a plateau consists of several mounts and hills, such as Mount Argo Jembangan, Mount Argo Ploso, Mount Rahtawu, Pasar Hill, and Ringgit Hill.

The name of Colo is taken from the name of a village on the peak of Mount Muria. According to the story spread, the name was given by Sunan Muria. Colo has several tourism objects, which generally can be categorized into two: religious tourism and natural tourism.

B. Distinctive Features

Beside the freshness of the air, Colo offers you many interesting tourism objects. The first one is the grave of Sunan Muria (Syekh R. Umar Said, one of the famous Wali Songo), which is located inside the Mosque of Sunan Muria, on the peak of Mount Muria. You can reach the mosque and the grave on foot, climbing through 700 stairs started from the gate near the parking area. The grave and the mosque are two of the religious tourism interests in Kudus, beside the well-known Menara Kudus. People from various places come to those religious areas to make a devotional visit, especially on the Buka Luwur event, which is held annually in the month of Muharram (Islamic calendar), in which the fabric used to cover the grave is replaced. People come to get a piece of the old cover, which they believe can give them fortune.

The next interesting spot is the Monthel Waterfall. The waterfall is about 25 m in height. You can reach it by walking for 30 minutes through a path, crossing coffee plantation. Along your way, you will hear the natural harmony of wild birds` sound. The closer you are to the waterfall, the clearer the sound of water flowing from the upper of the slope. You can feel the freshness of the water and the beautiful panorama around the waterfall.

The third interesting spot is the ecotourism area of Rejenu, which is 1.150 m above the sea level. It is located on Mount Argo Jembangan, about 3km from the grave of Sunan Muria. In this area, you can enjoy the various vegetations and the freshness of the air. This area has three main interests, those are:
• Syekh Sadzali`s grave, he was - according to the people around - the beloved santri (student) of Sunan Muria. He helped Sunan Muria to spread Islam around the area and was a loyal follower.
• Tiga Rasa Water Spring, which has three different tastes of water, i.e. plain-sour, which is believed for its healing power, the one tastes like soda, which is believed for its power to increase confidence, and the last tastes like alcoholic drinks which is believed for the power to increase wealth.
• Gonggomino Waterfall, which you can reach by tracking along the river in Rejenu area.
The last object in Colo is the camping ground area and conservation forest of Kajar. It is located in the area of pine forest, 3 km to the south of the grave of Sunan Muria. The camping ground area is approximately 600 m above the sea level and is a perfect place to camp and do outward bound.

C. Location

Colo Tourism Area is 18 km in distance from the Kudus Plaza. It is located on Muria Mountains, Colo village, in the sub-district of Dawe, Kudus Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.

D. Access

Although its location on the peak of a mount, it will be easy for you to reach the area. From Semarang, you must take the bus to Kudus. From the bus station in Kudus, take a car to Colo. You only have to pay IDR5.000 to reach the area (April 2008).

E. Ticket Price

The price to enjoy the whole package of the tourism area is very cheap, which is IDR2.500 (April 2008).

F. Accommodation and Other Facilities

This tourism area has a hotel called Graha Muria, which is facilitated with swimming pool, meeting hall, large parking area, mosque, and good service. There are also lodges, which offer you cheaper prices. Many food courts in this area will serve you the special culinary of Colo that are Nasi Pecel Pakis, roasted chicken, and Parijoto fruit. You can also get a special craft from the souvenir counters, such as hand-made carved stick and special wood to repel rats. On the surface of the wood, there is natural batik like patterns, which are very beautiful.

Source : Wisata Melayu

Monday, March 15, 2010 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

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